On the 23rd May 2018, the second Regimental Portrait Sittings of my Soldati della Repubblica series took place with the 1º Reggimento "Granatieri di Sardegna" at the historic Forte di Pietralata in Rome.
Thank you to Digital SLR Photography Magazine Contributing Editor Caroline Schmidt, interviewing me about my work and future projects. Please see full transcript below.
(Full Interview) 01 July, 2020
Written by: by Caroline Schmidt, Contributing Editor
Bersaglieri Regiments have served with Distinction for nearly two hundred years. During my Soldati Della Republlica project I had the honour of working with both 1º Reggimento Bersaglieri in Cosenza and 6º Reggimento Bersaglieri in Trapani.
The 5th Cavalry "Lancieri di Novara" where the subjects of my final series of sittings, taking place on 5th March 2019 at their barracks in Codroipo.
The Regiment was created on December 24th, 1828, by decree of the King of Sardinia Carlo Felice, with the original name of Dragoni di Piemonte. The Lancieri di Novara continue to serve The Republic of Italy to this day and have distinguished themselves in many campaigns.
Reggimento "Lancieri di Novara" (5º) Codroipo Rory Lewis Photographer Italian Army Portraits
Thank you to everyone who attended my first Italian Exhibition 11th – 14th December 2018 at Palazzo Cusani in Milan. The exhibition featuring portraits from my Soldati della Repubblica project. In which I spent the summer of 2018, travelling across Italy, capturing portraits of the wonderfully historic and diverse Italian Army.